Friday, 8 August 2008

Grass and Wild Strawberries

Nope, not a raw food recipe (although it could be, I suppose!) but an album byCanadian psychadelic band The Collectors from 1968 which I stumbledacross last year. The cover doesn't look like much - just a few blokes who look like IRA members circa 1970 but the music is incredible.

If you're looking for some wonderful summery anthems to make the greyweather more bearable (Grass and Wild Strawberries, My love delightsme/Don't turn away from me/Rainbow of fire) and some heavier psych-outs (Things I remember/Seventeenth Summer) it's the album for you.

The more I listen to this the more I think it's the ultimate lost classic. It's not a milliosn miles - in places - from Love's Forever Changes. That's on of the best records ever made and certainly the best psychadelic one.

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